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England and Wales, Vol. IV. General report, 1881

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-v) Title page and contents
(76 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-5) Introduction
(Pages 6-12)Contract subtree I. Number of the population and rates of increase
(Page 6) 1. England and Wales
(Page 7) 2. Counties
(Pages 8-9) 3. Urban and rural districts
(Page 10) 4. Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Pages 11-12) 5. London and the other great towns
(Pages 13-14)Expand subtree II. Density of the population and habitations
(Pages 15-16) III. Sexes
(Pages 17-22) IV. Ages
(Pages 23-24) V. Condition as to marriage or civil condition
(Pages 25-49)Expand subtree VI. Occupations
(Pages 50-59)Expand subtree VII. Birthplaces of the population
(Pages 60-72)Expand subtree VIII. Infirmities
(Pages 73-74)Expand subtree IX. The United Kingdom
(Pages 74-75) X. The British Empire
(36 pages)Expand subtree Appendix a
(6 pages)Expand subtree Appendix b