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Twenty-seventh detailed annual report of registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages, Scotland

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Page i) Title page
(Pages iii-iv) Report of the registrar-general to the secretary of state
(Pages v-viii) Table of contents
(44 pages)Expand subtree Report by Dr Cunynghame to the registrar-general
(4 pages)Expand subtree Appendix
(387 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 1) Summary table of the births, deaths, and marriages in the groups of districts, divisions, and counties of Scotland in 1881, distinguishing the sexes, the number of illegitimate births, the population in 1871 and 1881, the excess of births over deaths, and the area in square miles of each county
(Pages 2-23) Tables of the population in 1871 and 1881, and of the births, deaths, and marriages during the year 1881, also of the illegitimate births in every registration district
(Pages 24-29)Contract subtree Marriages
(Page 24) Table of the marriages in Scotland and its counties in 1881; distinguishing the number of marriages solemnized according to the rites of the several religious denominations, the number of irregular marriages, and the number of the respective sexes who signed the register by marks
(Page 25) Table of the civil condition of the parties who married in 1881; distinguishing the marriages of bachelors with spinsters; bachelors with widows; widowers with spinsters; and widowers with widows; giving the particulars as to the age of each sex
(Pages 26-27) Table of the ages of all males who married in Scotland and its counties in 1881
(Pages 28-29) Table of the ages of all females who married in Scotland and its counties in 1881
(Pages 30-387)Expand subtree Deaths
(7 pages)Expand subtree Appendix
(1 errata) Errata