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Supplement to the forty-eighth detailed annual report of registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages, Scotland

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-v) Title page & contents
(95 pages)Expand subtree Report by Dr. Dunlop to the registrar-general
(50 pages)Contract subtree Appendix tables
(Page xc) Table 1. Density of population in the divisions and counties of Scotland
(Pages xci-xcii) Table 2. Proportion of population at various age-periods, census 1901
(Page xciii) Table 3. Life table for Scotland, period 1861-70, males
(Page xciv) Table 4. Life table for Scotland, 1871-80, males
(Page xcv) Table 5. Life table for Scotland, 1881-90, males
(Page xcvi) Table 6. Life table for Scotland, 1891-1900, males
(Page xcvii) Table 7. Life table for Scotland, 1861-70, females
(Page xcviii) Table 8. Life table for Scotland, 1871-80, females
(Page xcix) Table 9. Life table for Scotland, 1881-90, females
(Page c) Table 10. Life table for Scotland, 1891-1900, females
(Page ci) Table 11. Life table for Scotland, 1861-70, both sexes
(Page cii) Table 12. Life table for Scotland, 1871-80, both sexes
(Page ciii) Table 13. Life table for Scotland, 1881-90, both sexes
(Page civ) Table 14. Life table for Scotland, 1891-1900, both sexes
(Page cv) Table 15. Births, deaths, and marriages in Scotland, and equivalent rates, 1855-1900
(Page cvi) Table 16. Births, deaths, and marriages in the districts, divisions, and counties of Scotland, 1891-1900
(Page cvii) Table 17. Ages of men and women married in Scotland in each of the ten years 1891-1900
(Page cvii) Table 18 percentage of persons married at each age-period
(Pages cviii-cix) Table 19. Number and proportion of marriages according to the rites of the several religious denominations, 1891-1900
(Pages cx-cxi) Table 20. Percentage of men and of women who signed the marriage register by mark in each of the ten years 1891-1900
(Page cxii) Table 21. Deaths and death-rate in the districts, divisions, and counties for the ten years 1891-1900
(Page cxiii) Table 22. Infantile mortality in each of the years 1855-1900
(Pages cxiv-cxv) Table 23. Deaths from selected diseases in the groups of districts, 1891 1900
(Pages cxvi-cxix) Table 24. Deaths in Scotland from each class and order of disease and equivalent death-rates 1891-1900
(Page cxx) Table 25. Deaths in Scotland from the principal epidemic and certain other diseases in each of the years 1855-1900
(Page cxxi) Table 26. Death-rate per 100, 000 of the population from the principal epidemic and certain other diseases, 1855-1900
(Pages cxxii-cxxiii) Table 27. Deaths from suicide by the various methods in each of the ten years 1891-1900
(Page cxxiv) Table 28. Deaths from suicide, and the methods by which this was accomplished, in the districts and counties of Scotland, 1891-1900
(Pages cxxv-cxxix) Table 29. Rate of mortality at different age-periods of men engaged in selected occupations
(Pages cxxx-cxxxiii) Table 30. Deaths from certain diseases of men engaged in selected occupations
(Pages cxxxiv-cxxxvi) Table 31. Death-rate from certain diseases per 100, 000 men engaged in selected occupations
(Page cxxxvii) Table 32. Mean temperature in Scotland during each month of the ten years 1891-1900
(Page cxxxvii) Table 33. Rainfall in Scotland during each month of the ten years 1891 1900
(170 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts