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Fifty-fifth detailed annual report of registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages, Scotland

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-vi) Title page & contents
(Page vii) Report by the registrar-general to the secretary for Scotland
(41 pages)Expand subtree Report by Dr. Dunlop to the registrar-general
(49 pages)Expand subtree Appendix tables
(583 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 1) Summary table of the births, deaths, and marriages in the groups of districts, divisions, and counties of Scotland in 1909, distinguishing the sexes, the number of illegitimate births, the population in 1901 and 1911, the excess of births over deaths, and the area in square miles of each county
(Pages 2-26)Expand subtree Tables of the population in 1901 and 1911, and of the births, deaths, and marriages during the year 1909, also of the illegitimate births in every registration district
(Pages 27-40)Expand subtree Marriages
(Pages 40-583)Contract subtree Deaths
(Pages 40-45)Expand subtree Deaths in 1909 at different age-periods, in Scotland, in the groups of districts, and in the counties and the principal towns
(Pages 46-51)Expand subtree Deaths in 1909 at different age-periods, in each of the large town districts, and in the small town districts of each of the counties of Scotland
(Pages 52-57)Expand subtree Deaths in 1909 at different age-periods, in the mainland-rural and in the insular-rural districts of each of the counties of Scotland
(Pages 58-77)Expand subtree Summary table of the causes of death in each county in 1909
(Pages 78-87)Expand subtree Summary table of the causes of death in each of the principal towns in 1909
(Pages 88-107)Expand subtree Summary table of the causes of death in each of the large town districts in 1909
(Pages 108-127)Expand subtree Summary table of the causes of death in the small town districts of each county in 1909
(Pages 128-147)Expand subtree Summary table of the causes of death in the mainland-rural districts of each county in 1909
(Pages 148-152) Summary table of the causes of death in the insular-rural districts of each county in 1909 males and females
(Pages 153-183)Expand subtree Causes of death in Scotland at different periods of life
(Pages 184-203)Expand subtree Causes of death in the principal town districts at different periods of life
(Pages 204-223)Expand subtree Causes of death in the large town districts at different periods of life
(Pages 224-243)Expand subtree Causes of death in the small town districts at different periods of life
(Pages 244-263)Expand subtree Causes of death in the mainland-rural districts at different periods of life
(Pages 264-283)Expand subtree Causes of death in the insular-rural districts at different periods of life
(Pages 284-302) Causes of death in Glasgow at different periods of life males
(Pages 285-303) Causes of death in Glasgow at different periods of life females
(Pages 304-322) Causes of death in Edinburgh at different periods of life males
(Pages 305-323) Causes of death in Edinburgh at different periods of life females
(Pages 324-342) Causes of death in Dundee at different periods of life males
(Pages 325-343) Causes of death in Dundee at different periods of life females
(Pages 344-362) Causes of death in Aberdeen at different periods of life males
(Pages 345-363) Causes of death in Aberdeen at different periods of life females
(Pages 364-382) Causes of death in Govan at different periods of life males
(Pages 365-383) Causes of death in Govan at different periods of life females
(Pages 384-402) Causes of death in Paisley at different periods of life males
(Pages 385-403) Causes of death in Paisley at different periods of life females
(Pages 404-422) Causes of death in Leith at different periods of life males
(Pages 405-423) Causes of death in Leith at different periods of life females
(Pages 424-442) Causes of death in Greenock at different periods of life males
(Pages 425-443) Causes of death in Greenock at different periods of life females
(Pages 444-462) Causes of death in Partick at different periods of life males
(Pages 445-463) Causes of death in Partick at different periods of life females
(Pages 464-482) Causes of death in Coatbridge at different periods of life males
(Pages 465-483) Causes of death in Coatbridge at different periods of life females
(Pages 484-502) Causes of death in Kilmarnock at different periods of life males
(Pages 485-503) Causes of death in Kilmarnock at different periods of life females
(Pages 504-522) Causes of death in Kirkcaldy at different periods of life males
(Pages 505-523) Causes of death in Kirkcaldy at different periods of life females
(Pages 524-542) Causes of death in Perth at different periods of life males
(Pages 525-543) Causes of death in Perth at different periods of life females
(Pages 544-562) Causes of death in Hamilton at different periods of life males
(Pages 545-563) Causes of death in Hamilton at different periods of life females
(Pages 564-582) Causes of death in Motherwell at different periods of life males
(Pages 565-583) Causes of death in Motherwell at different periods of life females
(9 pages)Expand subtree Appendix to abstracts