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Population. Age, education, marriage, birth-place. Report. Scotland. Vol. II. Pt. I, 1891

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-vii) Title page and contents
(36 pages)Expand subtree Report
(352 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 2-60)Expand subtree Section xi. Ages of the people
(Pages 61-118)Expand subtree Section xii. Educational statistics
(Pages 119-276)Expand subtree Section xiii. Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 277-352)Contract subtree Section xiv. Birth-places of the people
(Pages 278-288) Birth-places of the people present in Scotland, its divisions and counties, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(Page 289) Summary of the birth-places of the people present in Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 290-295) Birth-places of natives of British colonies present in Scotland, its divisions and counties, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(Pages 296-305) Birth-places of British subjects born in foreign parts present in Scotland, its divisions and counties, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(Pages 306-314) Birth-places of foreigners present in Scotland, its divisions and counties, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(Pages 315-326) Birth-places of the people present in the principal burghs of Scotland, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(Page 327) Summary of the birth-places of the people present in the principal burghs of Scotland
(Pages 328-333) Birth-places of natives of British colonies present in the principal burghs of Scotland, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(Pages 334-343) Birth-places of British subjects born in foreign parts present in the principal burghs of Scotland, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(Pages 344-352) Birth-places of foreigners present in the principal burghs of Scotland, distinguishing the males and females under and above twenty years of age
(1 errata) Errata