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Sixth annual report of the registrar-general (Registrar-general's edition)

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-xii) Title page & contents
(28 pages)Expand subtree Report of the registrar-general
(24 pages)Expand subtree Tables
(266 pages)Expand subtree England
(234 pages)Contract subtree Appendix. Foreign returns of population, marriages, births, and deaths. Page 175
(Pages 268-301)Expand subtree I. Sweden
(Pages 301-313)Expand subtree II. Norway
(Pages 314-315)Expand subtree III. Denmark
(Pages 315-328)Contract subtree IV. Russia
(Pages 315-318) (1.) A letter upon the Russian returns, from the registrar general
(Page 318) (2.) Comparison of the relative proportions, of marriages, births, and deaths in Russia and England
(Page 319) (3.) A note on the Russian census and registration, with a table of births and deaths, male and female, among members of the Greek-Russian Church, for each of the 33 years, 1801-33
(Page 320) (4.) The proportion of marriages, births, deaths (of females) to 100 females living in 56 provinces of Russia; with the estimated density of population in each province (1842)
(Page 321) (5.) St. Petersburg mean population, births (legitimate and illegitimate), deaths and deaths under five years of age
(Pages 322-324) (6.) For each of 53 provinces, and four town districts, area in geographical square miles; the population (male and female); marriages, births (male and female), and deaths (male and female), in the year 1842
(Page 325) (7.) The same facts for great Russia, the Baltic provinces, &c
(Page 326) (8.) Estimated population of Russia in 1842, from the preceding data
(Page 326) (9.) Various estimates of the population of Russia, at 14 different periods, from 1800 to 1802
(Page 327) (10.) Ages (in quinquennial and decennial periods) of 2418847 males, at their deaths in 1825 and 1827; 1832 and 1834
(Pages 327-328) (11.) Mean age at death, and the duration of life, in Russia
(Page 328) (12.) Mean temperature of the twelve months of the year, in eight different parts of Russia (from Kupffer)
(Pages 329-363)Expand subtree V. Austria
(Pages 364-421)Expand subtree VI. Prussia
(Pages 422-440)Expand subtree VII. Saxony
(Pages 441-445)Expand subtree VIII. Hanover
(Page 446)Expand subtree IX. Frankfort
(Pages 447-455)Expand subtree X. Bavaria
(Pages 456-457)Expand subtree XI. Wurtemberg
(Pages 458-462)Expand subtree XII. Netherlands
(Pages 462-464)Expand subtree XIII. Belgium
(Pages 465-479)Expand subtree XIV. France
(Pages 480-481)Expand subtree XV. Portugal
(Pages 482-500)Expand subtree XVI. United States of America
(166 pages)Expand subtree Appendix, part II
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