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Sixth annual report of the registrar-general (Registrar-general's edition)

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-xii) Title page & contents
(28 pages)Expand subtree Report of the registrar-general
(24 pages)Expand subtree Tables
(266 pages)Expand subtree England
(234 pages)Contract subtree Appendix. Foreign returns of population, marriages, births, and deaths. Page 175
(Pages 268-301)Expand subtree I. Sweden
(Pages 301-313)Expand subtree II. Norway
(Pages 314-315)Expand subtree III. Denmark
(Pages 315-328)Expand subtree IV. Russia
(Pages 329-363)Expand subtree V. Austria
(Pages 364-421)Expand subtree VI. Prussia
(Pages 422-440)Expand subtree VII. Saxony
(Pages 441-445)Expand subtree VIII. Hanover
(Page 446)Expand subtree IX. Frankfort
(Pages 447-455)Contract subtree X. Bavaria
(Page 447) (1.) Census of 1840 families, males and females above and under 14; civil and military population distinguished
(Page 448) (2.) Births (male and female, legitimate and illegitimate), still-born (legitimate, illegitimate, male and female), twins, triplets, moles, four years, 1835-6, 1838-9
(Pages 449-453) (3.) Marriages, religions of the married, civil state, ages (0-20, 20-25, 25-30, 30-40, 40-60, 73-) of males and females; marriages by which illegitimate children were legitimized; number of such children
(Pages 452-453) (4.) Divorces of Catholics, Protestants, &c
(Pages 452-455) (5.) Deaths, male and female, legitimate and illegitimate, under 14; of males and females above 14; total deaths
(Pages 456-457)Expand subtree XI. Wurtemberg
(Pages 458-462)Expand subtree XII. Netherlands
(Pages 462-464)Expand subtree XIII. Belgium
(Pages 465-479)Expand subtree XIV. France
(Pages 480-481)Expand subtree XV. Portugal
(Pages 482-500)Expand subtree XVI. United States of America
(166 pages)Expand subtree Appendix, part II
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