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Sixth annual report of the registrar-general (Registrar-general's edition)

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-xii) Title page & contents
(28 pages)Expand subtree Report of the registrar-general
(24 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Page xli) Deaths to 100000 persons living in 1838-42
(Page xlii) Deaths at different ages in 1841-42, and the population of England at decennial ages in 1821 and 1841
(Page xliii) Mortality per cent. at different ages in England
(Pages xliv-xlv) Proportion per cent. of persons who signed the marriage register with marks, of persons married under 21 years of age, remarriages of widowers and widows, 1842
(Pages xlvi-xlvii) Proportion of persons married, children born alive, and deaths to the male and female population in 1838-42. 11 Divisions
(Pages xlviii-xlix) Proportion of marriages, births, & deaths for four & five years counties
(Pages l-liii) Proportion of marriages to 100 males and to 100 females living in each of the years 1838-42, and in each of the several counties
(Pages liv-lix) Proportion per cent. of illegitimate children to the births in 1842
(Pages lx-lxi) Proportion of females married in 1842 to 100000 living, illegitimate births to 100000 females living, and illegitimate births to 100 births in each of the several counties of England
(Pages lxii-lxiii) Proportion of illegitimate children in 1843 to every 1000 of the total number of paupers relieved in 1843
(Page lxiv) Proportion per cent. of persons married under 21 years of age in the year 1842 proportion per cent. of persons married in the year 1842, who signed the marriage register with marks divisions, counties
(266 pages)Expand subtree England
(234 pages)Expand subtree Appendix. Foreign returns of population, marriages, births, and deaths. Page 175
(166 pages)Expand subtree Appendix, part II
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